(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 10/1/23

Below are the announcements given on 10/1/23.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Revised Church Mission Statement

Our Church Council approved this revised mission statement at our September 21 meeting. We added values of fellowship and social justice.

Our mission statement now reads:

The mission of Fairwood Community United Methodist Church is to build community through Christian faith, fellowship, service, and social justice where all belong.


United Women in Faith is offering this beautiful Northwest sceneries quilt for raffle!

Our Fairwood United Women in Faith quilters group is offering a beautiful Northwest scenery quilt for raffle. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Proceeds will support UWF mission-giving. Buy tickets on Sundays from Debbie Miller, the UWF treasurer.

The drawing for the quilt will be held Today Sunday, October 1 during the Soup lunch/Quilt/Crafts/Bake sale.
We hope you attend but you can win this quilt even if you are not present.


Let's Explore Antiracism Together

We have been encouraged by the United Methodist Church Commission on Religion and Race to declare September 2023 as Antiracism Month.
Let’s gather Sunday, October 8, 6:30 to 8:00 in the Parlor to share experiences and learning as we journey together in exploring white privilege and institutional racism.
Resources are provided by the Commission on http://r2hub.org. Also, explore posts with ##30DaysAntiRacism.
Recommended video (22 minutes): “Deconstructing White Privilege” by Dr. Robin DiAngelo on youtube.com.

Questions? Ask Joanne Flagel


Planned Giving Workshop

The congregation is invited to a Planned Giving workshop, Giving Beyond the Checkbook, NEXT Sunday, October 8th, in the sanctuary, about 11:15am – 12:15pm.

You will discover different pathways to support your church both currently and also through legacy giving including Charitable Qualified Distribution, bequests, and stock donations. Rev. David Nieda, Associate Director of Faith Foundation Northwest, will be with us, preaching that morning and leading the workshop after the service.

He’ll answer our questions about planned gifts that can provide you with personal and financial benefits, while also benefiting our church. Examples of planned gifts include bequests through wills, endowments, gifts of life insurance, stock gifts, beneficiary designations, or a special gift in honor or memory of a loved one.

Youth choir starts Oct 1st 11:15-11:50 in choir room

Youth in grade 5 through high school are invited to sing in YOUTH choir. Rehearsals start on Sunday, October 1st, after Sunday School and illumin8 classes. Meet in the choir room at 11:15am until about 11:50am.

We will be learning new songs and some favorites to sing in church worship services and teach to the congregation. We will also help lead a special Christmas Eve service. Come bring your friends and make a joyful noise! For more information or questions contact Bill or Lori McEwen.


World Communion Sunday Oct 1st

The first Sunday in October is World Communion Sunday. United Methodist congregations join many Christian churches across the globe for this celebration of unity among churches across denominations.

Your donations for the UMC special offering will support racial and ethnic students with scholarships, grants, mentoring and training for leadership development.

Fifty percent (50%) of the offering funds training programs and grants.
Thirty-five percent (35%) supports racial and ethnic scholarships and mentor programs.
Fifteen percent (15%) funds leadership development and scholarships.

Special offering envelopes will be available for in-person giving. Checks should include “World Communion Sunday” on the memo line. Online donations may be made via Vanco on our Give page on the church website (fairwoodumc.org).


Soup, Lunch, Quilts, Crafts & Baked Goods Sunday Oct 1 11:00am-2:00pm

Mark your calendars now for a big event on Sunday, the first day of October!

Everyone is invited, including friends and neighbors.  The UWF (United Women of Faith) is sponsoring a SOUP LUNCH in conjunction with the Quilt, Craft and Bake Sale.  It will be held in Benedict Hall, right after the service, from 11am – 2pm.  Cash and cards will be accepted.

UWF will use money raised to support organizations helping vulnerable women, children and families.


Questions? Contact  Debbie Miller or Becky Clardy

For some examples of previous crafts please click the blog post on the event.

Quilt, Craft Bake Sale and Soup Lunch Sunday 10/1/23 11:00am-2:00pm | Fairwood Community United Methodist Church, Renton, WA (fairwoodumc.org)


Holy Communion Today

If you’re online with us today and wish to participate in Holy Communion, have some sort of bread and juice ready for later in the worship service. All are welcome to the table.

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