(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 12/31/23

Below are the announcements given on 12/31/23.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Next day to dedicate new members is January 14th

We are so grateful to recently receive our new members. If you are considering
membership, the next date we’ll receive new members is January 14th.
If you are curious or if you have questions about membership, please contact
Pastor Ferdie at pastorferdie@fairwoodumc.org.
A decision for membership is always a great time to celebrate our life together as a
church family!


Sign up for 2024 alter flowers

Celebrate a special occasion or remember a loved one by providing flowers on the altar for a worship service. Sign up on the 2024 Flower Calendar in the narthex/entryway. It’s on the bulletin board between the office and the nursery.


Giving Tree Donations - Thank You!

Thank you to our generous congregation for your recent donations to our giving
The gift cards and presents you donated were distributed to the Way Back Inn, the
Renton Salvation Army, and the Atlantic Street Center for their support of needy
Blessings to all who contributed and assisted with the distribution.
Questions? Contact John M.


Come help put decorations away 1/6/23 9:00am

We plan to pack away the Chrismon tree and ornaments, as well as the Giving Tree
and garland in the narthex, this Saturday, January 6, starting about 9:00am. With
several volunteers, it will go quickly.

We would love a bit of help in doing this, so if you can come, please do so.
Questions? Contact Jan B-H or Donna S.


Let us prepare for worship

A Reminder from the Worship Committee –
The Prelude centering music begins at 10:00 and it is time to quiet ourselves and
prepare to worship God.
Thank you!

Sunday Announcements 11/24/24

v Announcements given for Sunday 11/24/2024 Announcements-plan-20241124-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 11/24/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Our church is funded by your donations. By submitting an...

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Sunday Announcements 11/10/24

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Last Chance UMW Quilt/Craft Sale Nov 10th 11am-12pm

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Sunday Announcements 11/3/2024

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Sunday Announcements 10/27/24

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Sunday Announcements 10/20/24

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Sunday Announcements 10/13/24

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United Women of Faith – Quilt/Craft/Bake Sale Oct 20th

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FCUMC Asylee Mission

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