(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 4/7/2024

Below are the announcements given on 4/7/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Multicultural Potluck Dinner sat April 27th 6-8pm

To celebrate our cultural diversity, our Fairwood neighborhood is invited to a
Multicultural Potluck Dinner!
Join us on Saturday, April 27, 6:00 – 8:00 pm.

While doors open at 6:00 pm, we don’t expect to start eating until about 6:30 pm.
To let us know that you plan to come, please sign up by scanning the QR code on
the slide or the link below.

We Are Composting

Fairwood Community United Methodist Church is stepping up our efforts to take
care of our earth!
Our green composting containers (a 23-gallon container in the parlor of Benedict
Hall and a few green wastebaskets) with compostable bag liners are here. Please
put your food waste, food-soiled paper and approved compostable products into
these green containers. We have a second outside tote to accommodate extra
compostable materials.
Please note that not everything labeled as “compostable” is accepted by Cedar
Grove. Generally accepted items are here: CedarGrove-flyer-Compostables-Accepted-
With your help, we can take better care of our earth!
Questions? Contact Donna S.


Mission Opportunity - Rice Donations Needed

During the month of March, we will be collecting 2 – 5 pound bags of white rice to
deliver to Riverton Park United Methodist Church. Each month we will add to our
monetary donation with an item that they are regularly in need of, as they work to
support those staying at their church. Drop off your donation in the box in the
Thanks in advance for your participation in our support of our sister congregation.
Thank you, also, Dianne and Mike, for volunteering to deliver our donation each


We've Been Cleaning!

Carol and Cathy have sorted through items we’ve used in Sunday School or other
activities at FCUMC. Thank you to all who have donated these items over the years.
They were well-loved. However, to find more gathering space for meetings, we’ve
cleaned and organized two former classrooms.

Stop by M-2 (the room next to the sanctuary, across from the office) to see if there are items that you’d like to “rehome!” We especially encourage early childhood
teachers and parents of young children to check out the items.

Our preschool, Sunday school teachers and nursery attendant have already had
the opportunity to take the items… and now it’s YOUR time!


Fireside Chat with John and Jewel Andrew April 11th 10am

Everyone is invited to join us in a “Fireside Chat” with John & Jewel Andrew on
Thursday, April 11th at 10:00am. We will gather in the Parlor.
John has written a book about his career and if you have not received one, he will
give you one at our meeting. John will talk about some of his career high-lights
with Boeing and we will have a question and answer segment.
John and Jewel have been members of Fairwood Community United Methodist
Church for decades and have been instrumental in growing our facilities and
providing us with care and love in many ways. Refreshments, an introduction and
a prayer will be provided.


Sunday Announcements 2/16/25

Find out what is new at FCUMC this week!

Sunday Announcements 2/2/25

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Sunday Announcements 1/12/25

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Sunday Announcements 1/5/25

Find out what is going on at FCUMC this week!

Sunday Announcements 12/29/24

v Announcements given for Sunday 12/29/2024 Announcements-plan-20241229-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 12/29/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Flower calendar for 2025 is available for sign ups We...

Christmas Eve Announcements 12/24/24

v Announcements given for Christmas Eve 12/24/24 Announcements-plan-20241224-7pm-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 12/24/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Sunday Dec 12/29/24 10am Pastor Ferdie is taking...

Sunday Announcements 12/22/24

Find out what is going on at FCUMC this week!

Sunday Announcements 12/15/24

v Announcements given for Sunday 12/15/2024 Announcements-plan-20241215-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 12/15/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Accepting 2025 calendars Donate your 2025 calendars to...

Sunday Announcements 11/24/24

v Announcements given for Sunday 11/24/2024 Announcements-plan-20241124-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 11/24/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Our church is funded by your donations. By submitting an...

Sunday Announcement 11/17/24

Find out what is going on at FCUMC today!