(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 6/16/2024

Below are the announcements given on 6/16/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Enjoy the church grounds this summer

Enjoy our outdoor area at church this summer! We invite you to walk on the lawn
along our forest to enjoy the many different native plants and see what is
Visit our outdoor chapel also!

Future Alter Flowers Needed

Do you have extra flowers in your garden? Is there a special person in your life
that you’d like to celebrate or memorialize (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)?
We’d love to have you sign up for providing flowers on our altar table up front.
There’s a large poster on the wall just outside the church office where you can
choose your date. Please, no fragrant flowers.
Thanks for your help! Questions? Contact Roxanne or Cyndee.

We need help with outdoor care!

We could use help with jobs outside at church during June!
Pick up sticks on the lawn (so Jeff can do weekly mowing).
Clean the benches in the outdoor chapel (scrubbing with soap/water/vinegar).
Get the butterfly garden ready for planting (tilling in fertilizer).
Weed-eating around the bioswale.
Edge the lawn along the sidewalk.
Let us know how you can help by contacting Jeff and Sharon K.

Congrats to those reaching education milestones!

We congratulate all who are celebrating educational milestones this year! May you
all have a blessed future, full of hope!
We’d like to publish a list in the July Epistle newsletter. Please contact the church
office with names and the milestone information by June 24. Email:

Creation Care Sundays are back this summer!

Creation Care Sundays for children this summer will be on the last Sundays of the
summer months. That’s June 30, July 28, and August 25.
Children will be outside enjoying nature, making and planting things. Please make
sure to wear “OK to get dirty” clothes, no sandals (i.e. wear sturdy shoes), and be
dressed for the weather. Parents are welcome, especially if we have wee ones.
June 30 – We’ll be planting flowers in the Children’s Butterfly Garden. Note the
ducks in the picture. Our garden attaches all kinds of animals.
Questions? Contact Sharon K.


Help support the Youth Group with Hygiene kit supplies

Help support the FCUMC youth group’s hygiene kit service project. Kits will benefit
the asylees that we’re supporting and also Mary’s Place.
Leave donations in the green “monster” container in the narthex by the end of
Needed items:
Clear toiletry bags (2.75” x 4.13” x 5.9”)
Travel-sized toiletries –
Bar soap, Hand sanitizer,
Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Toothbrush covers, Floss,
Shampoo, Conditioner, Brushes or combs,
Lip balm, Lotion, Shaving kits

Sunday Announcements 9/1/24

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Sunday Announcements 6/9/24

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