(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 8/25/2024


Below are the announcements given on 8/25/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Considering church membership? Orientation starts today sun aug 25

We are so grateful to welcome new members into our faith community. If you are
considering membership, the next date for Membership Sunday is Sunday,
September 8th. Membership orientation is scheduled for today, Sunday, August 25th at
11:30 a.m.
If you are curious or if you have questions about membership, please contact
Pastor Ferdie: pastorferdie@fairwoodumc.org and look for the brochure in the
narthex, “So You’re Thinking About Joining the Church.”


We welcome Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth Sunday, September 15!

Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth will be preaching at our worship service on
Sunday, September 15th. Come get to know our bishop! He is the resident
bishop of the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area of The United Methodist
Church (Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Alaska).


Youth Group Kickoff BBQ Sunday Sept 8th 4-6pm

Youth group on Sunday evenings starts off with a kickoff barbecue on September
8th. Youth group meets 4:00 – 6:00pm. Youth group will still be for 6th through 12th
graders (even though morning Sunday School classes have a different age
We are looking for volunteers to provide food and help with set-up (at 2:30) and
clean-up for the BBQ. Reach out to Kristin or Jenny if you would like to help!


New Sunday School setup starting this year

  • New Sunday School classes start on September 8th.
    Children who are Pre-Kindergarten through 4th grade will meet in BH-2 (on left
    side of hallway) with Kristin T. and Jenny B.
  • 5th and 6th graders will meet in BH-5 (on right side of hallway) with Kartha H.
  • Youth 7th through 12 graders will attend illumin8 classes in BH-3 (at end of
    hallway) with LJ and Brian Martin.

Mid Year financials sent out aug 14th.

Mid-year financial contribution statements were e-mailed on Wednesday, August
14. If you don’t see yours, check your junk e-mail folder. Please review them for
Questions? Concerns? Contact Jen at stewardshipfcumc@gmail.com with any

Join the Chancel Choir! First practice is Wed Aug 28th

The Chancel Choir is gearing up for another season after our summer break.
If you have sung and/or played an instrument in a musical group, you will have no
trouble learning our anthems. The ability to read music or to sing by ear is also
very helpful. (We are especially in need of tenor and bass voices.)
Rehearsals are every Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. and we sing on
the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, September through June. Our first
rehearsal will be Wednesday, August 28th, so this is a perfect time to give the choir
a try. Alternate practice sessions will be available, after Sunday services, for those
unable to come on Wednesdays.
Contact Rae at (425) 208-6032 or raeborne@comcast.net


Children Creation Care SundayAug 25th Berry Sundaes

Today Sunday, August 25, is Creation Care Sunday for children during the Sunday
School time.

Children will be outside enjoying nature, making and planting things. Please make
sure to wear “OK to get dirty” clothes, no sandals (i.e. wear sturdy shoes), and be
dressed for the weather.
We will be picking berries and will have sundaes afterward.
Parents are welcome, especially if we have wee ones.
Questions? Contact Sharon K.

Sunday Announcements 9/8/24

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