Announcements given for Sunday 12/22/2024
Below are the announcements given on 12/22/2024. Please refer to your directory for contact information.
Flower calendar for 2025 is available for sign ups
We have a new 2025 Flower Calendar posted in the narthex, on the bulletin board
next to the office door. Sign up for dates to bring flowers for our altar. You can
celebrate a special occasion or bring flowers in memory or honor of someone.
New Members Dedication January 12th
We are so grateful to recently receive our new members. If you are considering
membership, the next date we’ll receive new members is January 12th.
The next membership orientation is Sunday, January 5 at 11:30am.
If you are curious or if you have questions about membership, please contact
Pastor Ferdie at Look for the brochure in the
narthex, “So you’re thinking about joining the Church.”
A decision for membership is always a great time to celebrate our life together as a
church family!
Accepting 2025 calendars and Styrofoam for Recycling
Donate your 2025 calendars to families served by the Renton Salvation Army. Place
them in the calendar box in the blue shopping cart in the narthex.
Save any Styrofoam to be recycled! Look for the Styrofoam collection box in the
narthex after Christmas. It will be delivered in January.
Thank you!
Advent Decorations packing away January 11th
Thank you to all who came to help decorate for Advent and Christmas!
We need help the morning that we take down our Advent/Christmas decorations
and pack them away for next year. Come join us on Saturday, January 11 at
9:00am. With enough hands, it shouldn’t take long.
Questions? Contact Donna S. or Roxanne A.
Joanne Flagel Memorial - 1/4/25 1:30pm
The memorial service for Joanne Flagel is scheduled for Saturday, January 4th at
1:30pm. Come celebrate her life that she lived so well!
Youth Choir practice
The Youth Choir’s final practice for the Christmas Eve service is today, December
22, from 11:15 – 12:30 with a lunch to follow. On Christmas Eve, we’ll meet at
2:30pm for warm-up and rehearsing with the sound team and instruments.
For more information contact Bill & Lori at
Thank you! - Giving tree - Asylees
Your donation of gifts were delivered to Renton Salvation Army. The gift cards were
sent to St. Stephen’s Housing Ministry, which has absorbed the Way Back Inn.
Thank you for your generosity!
Gifts for our Asylum-Seeking Community should come wrapped and should be
under the tree by December 24th. Please attach the tag to your gift.
Christmas Eve Services 4:00pm & 7:00pm
For Christmas Eve on Tuesday, December 24th, we plan to have two worship
services at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
The 4:00 service will feature our youth and young adults leading our music.
The 7:00 service will feature our adult chancel choir leading our music.We will also share in Holy Communion at the 7:00 service.
At both services ,we’ll light candles while Signs for Glory signs and we sing Silent
Night. Both services will offer in-person worship and be livestreamed for you to
view and share with your friends and family.
Christmas Eve offering gifts will support the Church Assistance Program, helping
neighbors in need.
Pastor Ferdie is taking a break Sunday, the 29th. We’ll have a more casual, familyfriendly
worship gathering (no children or youth classes).
Blue Christmas Worship 12/22/24 4:00pm
If you’d appreciate a more solemn and meditative service, consider the Blue Christmas worship service on Sunday, December 22nd, at 4:00pm. The service will be in-person in the sanctuary and also livestreamed on Facebook.