Online Worship 11 3 24
All Saints Sunday
November 3, 2024
Prelude I Sing a Song of the Saints of God Sid Samberg
Greeting from Our Lay Reader Jennifer Flagel
*Passing the Peace
*Call to Worship *Please rise in body or spirit
One: Loving and Hope-filled God, we ask you to stay close in our lives as we move into an unknown future.
Many: Christ has broken down the wall.
One: Wrap us in your love, and invite us to go and do likewise—to “do unto others” in ways that build up your kin-dom on earth as it is is heaven.
Many: Christ has broken down the wall.
One: We pray this in the name of Jesus, the Center That Holds, and in the power of the Spirit That Transforms.
Many: Let us join our hearts as one in worship, for Christ has broken down the wall. Amen.
*Opening Song Christ Has Broken Down the Wall W&S 3122
Children’s Message Lori Macauley
Prayer Music Sweet Hour of Prayer
Fairwood Guitar Ensemble
Joys & Concerns, All Saint Sunday Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer
Special Music Mourqui by Leopold Mozart
Fairwood Guitar Ensemble
*Gloria Gloria, Gloria. We sing praises to God.
With open hearts and open minds, In peace we welcome all.
Gospel Reading Matthew 22:34-40 Jennifer Flagel
Sermon Title Malice Toward None: Love Rev. Ferdie Llenado
Offering Song They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love FWS 2223
Thanksgiving for the Offering
Holy Communion
Communion Music Two Celtic Lullabies
Fairwood Guitar Ensemble
*Closing Song Beacons from the Past
Written by Rae Colborne
Postlude Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates Sid Samberg
Anytime during a song or music is being played, you are welcome to light a candle in memory of a loved one..