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Sunday Service

Thank you for your patience this morning.  Service for 1/19/25
Video Facebook Link: https://fb.watch/xdbNTDmWOt/



Online Worship 01-19-25
Human Relations Sunday
January 19, 2025
Prelude Forever Reign Bill & Lori McEwen
Greeting from Our Lay Reader Sharon Ramos
*Passing the Peace
*Call to Worship *Please rise in body or spirit
One: O Crucified and Risen Christ, you eat with the poor,
Many: and you provide the finest wine.
One: You suffer with the brokenhearted,
Many: and you sing songs of praise.
One: You go toward the cross,
Many: and yet you dance with joy.
One: Amidst the world’s injustice you go about healing,
Many: And amidst the world’s sorrow you go about rejoicing.
One: Grant us your Spirit, that in this world of suffering and injustice we may be people of joy and healing.
Many: O Christ, in you we are one with all who suffer, and one with you who live and reign with the Creator and the Spirit forever. Amen.
*Opening Song Lord of the Dance Hymn 261 Vs. 1,2,3 & 5
Children’s Message Donna Stock
Prayer Song Step by Step
Joys & Concerns, LA Fires Litany, The Lord’s Prayer
Special Music Gospel Medley for MLK Jr. Bruce Carpenter &
Lori McEwen
First Reading Isaiah 62:1-5 Sharon Ramos
*Gloria Gloria, Gloria. We sing praises to God.
With open hearts and open minds, In peace we welcome all.
*Gospel Reading John 2:1-11
Sermon Title Weddings Are Us Rev. Ferdie Llenado
Offering Song We Are an Offering
Thanksgiving for the Offering
*Closing Song Hold Us Together
Postlude I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Bill & Lori McEwen
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Music Staff: Rae Colborne, Choir Director
Bill and Lori McEwen, Julie Swienty, Sid Samberg, Bruce Carpente