Fairwood Community United Methodist Church
September 8, 2024
Prelude Come, Now Is the Time to Worship Julie Swienty
Greeting from Our Lay Reader Joe Meyers
*Passing the Peace
*Call to Worship *Please rise in body or spirit
One: If you come feeling small or unimportant, feeling out of place or insecure,
Many: this time is for us.
One: If you come unsure of your place in the world, doubtful that your name means “Blessed,”
Many: this time is for us.
One: If you come afraid to stand out, or to be swept away, afraid to be heard, or of what you might hear,
Many: this time is for us.
One: Come now, Christ of the trusting child. Come now, Christ of the confident spirit. Come now, Christ of the brave seekers.
Many: This time is for you.
*Opening Song Open the Eyes of My Heart
Children’s Message LJ Martin
Prayer Music Above All Julie Swienty
Joys & Concerns, Pastoral Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer
Anthem With Those Hands Chancel Choir
*Gloria Gloria, Gloria. We sing praises to God.
With open hearts and open minds, In peace we welcome all.
*Gospel Reading Mark 7:24-37 Joe Meyers
Sermon Title Healing Separations Pastor Ferdie Llenado
Membership Dedication
Andrea Brown, Tracy Kiele, Donald Trimble, Val Velasco
Offering Hymn Healer of Our Every Ill FWS 2213
Thanksgiving for the Offering
*Closing Song I Am Free
Postlude There Is a Fountain Julie Swienty
Happy Grandparent’s Day
Music Staff: Rae Colborne, Choir Director
Bill and Lori McEwen, Julie Swienty, Sid Samberg, Bruce Carpenter
Altar flowers provided by The Colborne’s