(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org


From Lead Pastor Ferdie Llenado:

Welcome!  At Fairwood Community United Methodist Church you will…

  • Hear messages that will be your source of weekly encouragement;
  • Enjoy and be blessed with inspirational hymns and praise songs;
  • Entrust your kids to the faithful care of our Sunday School staff;

  • Connect with others through our various community-life small-groups;
  • Experience joy in the missional events where we share and serve together;
  • Be welcomed by a loving community that upholds the mantra, “all means all.”

About Us

Our Statement of Inclusion:

We the people of Fairwood Community United Methodist Church regard the love of God to be the foundation of our life and ministry. We believe in the ever-present love of God as witnessed through Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We believe that each person is loved by God and is of sacred worth.

Therefore, by God’s grace:
We welcome and affirm all persons to our Church without regard to gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, family structure, and of every economic, immigration, marital, and social status, theological perspective, political affiliation, or other means people use to categorize and discriminate against others.

We express God’s hospitality by creating a safe, healing and transforming place for all to enter. We celebrate the gifts of all who come seeking God, Christian community and justice in our world, and we welcome all into the life and ministry of our Church. We recognize the interrelatedness of all creation and we declare that we grow in grace and in the knowledge of God when we embrace diversity.

We uphold the motto of our denomination – Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.

The mission of Fairwood Community United Methodist Church is to build community through Christian faith, fellowship, service and social justice where all belong.

We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the Coast Salish, Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Stillaguamish Peoples past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well.

Methodism | Communion & Baptism at Fairwood UMC

We believe in regular participation in Holy Communion.  It is also called The Lord’s Supper or Eucharist (the biblical Greek word for Thanksgiving). We believe that the spiritual presence of our Lord Jesus Christ is experienced in the sacrament of Holy Communion. The bread represents the body of Jesus, broken for humanity. We offer a gluten free alternative to the bread. The”wine” (we use grape juice to allow for the participation of all, including children and those addicted to alcohol) represents the blood of Christ shed for the forgiveness of sins. The liturgy of the sacrament of Holy Communion recalls the entire gospel story, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Holy Communion celebrates the unity of all the members of God’s family in heaven and earth.

For United Methodists, baptism is the sacrament of belonging, of initiation that joins us with the Church of Jesus Christ and with Christians everywhere. It is a symbol of the new life in Christ and promise of God’s saving love. By this act we acknowledge our entrance into the family of God. We baptize persons of any age, infants through adults. We believe a person should only be baptized once, but that rededication and renewal of baptismal vows is always to be encouraged. United Methodists may be baptized by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion.

pastor blesses pet

What to Expect: F.A.Q.s

What time do services start?
Our worship service begins at 10:00am, after a five-minute countdown with announcements. It is currently a  hybrid service where it is streamed to our public Facebook page at the same time as the in-person worship in the sanctuary. 

Fellowship time is currently held in the gym in the Benedict Hall building, after the in-person worship. Light refreshments are served, and you’re welcome to bring your own covered water bottle with a straw or sippy seal.

What is your dress code?

We do not have a dress code, some come in casual sportswear, others in business attire – come in what is comfortable for you. Please be aware that some of us are sensitive to fragrances.

What are services like?

We have a blend of music styles. Some music is more contemporary where other music is traditional hymns of faith. We often have an anthem presented by our choir. We like to offer a special time early in the service for our children; this is right before they leave for Sunday School classes. Our pastor offers a challenging but uplifting message for us.

Will my children be comfortable?

Children are welcome during worship services and invited to come up with Pastor Ferdie or a layperson for a special message early in the service. We offer children’s bulletins and clipboards with paper and crayons for children to use – see the table just to the right as you enter the sanctuary. The nursery room is available for our youngest children. 

My background is non-conventional, will I be welcome?

We know God loves all and welcomes all to worship.   We have worked to truly be open and inclusive to all persons – and are now a Reconciling congregation in the Reconciling Ministries Network. We hope you experience our welcome as a reflection of God’s love for you just as you are!

What are your accessibility arrangements?

The church, sanctuary, parlor and rest rooms are wheel chair accessible. We have a unisex bathroom located in the nursery room.  Assisted listening devices are available for the hard of hearing.  Please ask an usher for assistance.

How do I receive pastoral care?

Please contact Pastor Ferdie at the church office to request an appointment: pastorferdie@fairwoodumc.org .

How do I request to use your facilities?

Please fill out a facilities request form and attach it to an email and send to: office@fairwoodumc.org 
Building-Use-Request Form-Internal
FCUMC building map

How do I contact a staff member or committee lead?

Please visit our Staff page for more information on Staff at FCUMC and committee leads.