(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 11/26/23

Below are the announcements given on 11/26/23.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.

United Women in Faith - 12/15/23 2:00 PM

Our local United Women in Faith group invites you to gather for Christmas tea at a new day and time. We gather on FRIDAY, December 15 at 2:00 pm. We’ll share tea and a dessert buffet, sing a few carols and enjoy good fellowship.

We suggest you bring …

ØA teacup and a story about it (or a story about a holiday tradition). If you don’t have a teacup, we’ll have some.

ØA dessert or treat to share.

ØDonations of gift cards to support the Communities in Schools programs for Kent and Renton/Tukwila. They ask for cards for Safeway, Fred Meyer, Target or Walmart.


Decorate for Advent

We plan to decorate the church for Advent on Saturday, Dec. 2nd, starting at 9:00am. If we have enough volunteers, we will hang greenery along the side walls, hang our wreaths and put up our Chrismon tree. There will be ladders, but no moving and stacking of chairs or the high scaffolding up to the ceiling. We may be wrapping some boxes too. You’ll have to come to find out why!

We’ll also put up our Giving Tree in the narthex.

We would love a bit of help in doing this, so if you can come, please do so. Questions? Contact Donna S


November is Pledge Drive Month

November is pledge drive month at Fairwood Community UMC. Letters and pledge cards were mailed the last week of October. We ask that you prayerfully consider the amount you wish to give to your church for 2024. A similar amount to 2023 will be needed to support our mission work; therefore, our goal is $380,000.
11/26/23 update

50 responses and $187,790 pledged to our 2024 budget

Extra copies of the pledge cards are available in the narthex (as you enter the sanctuary).

Questions? Contact Jennifer


Blue Christmas A Solemn & Meditative Service

The Blue Christmas Worship Service is an addition to the Christmas Season.  It centers around the longest night of the year when the days are growing shorter and light diminishes.  Blue Christmas takes place during Advent, when we are preparing and waiting.  We wait for HOPE.  We wait for the one who brings us light.

Are you struggling with loss, anxiety, depression, loneliness,

longing, grief, pain, heartbreak, stress?

Is someone you care about feeling loss?

Are you wanting a more quiet and contemplative service?

Are you feeling overwhelmed?

Is the “news” getting you “down?”

Our world may be dark, difficult, lonely and hurting but there is hope. The Blue Christmas worship service focuses on the promise of HOPE.

Join us on Sunday, December 3rd at 4:00pm for this meditative worship.


United Methodist Student Day offering today -11/26/23

Through United Methodist Student Day offerings, we provide support for the next generation of young disciples on their educational journeys. Money collected will help fund scholarships for United Methodist students. One of our denomination’s six special offerings collected each year, United Methodist Student Day celebrates young adults and gives them a financial and spiritual boost. At a time when students are emerging from a pandemic, we can be a source of encouragement.


You may give by check or cash in the offering plate during in-person worship or mail your donation to the church office (note “UM Student Day” on the memo line).

You may also give online via our Vanco system on our website (https://fairwoodumc.org/give/) then click on the Online Giving “donate” button.

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