(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 1/14/2024

Below are the announcements given on 1/14/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Sign up for 2024 flowers

Celebrate a special occasion or remember a loved one by providing flowers on the altar for a worship service. Sign up on the 2024 Flower Calendar in the narthex/entryway. It’s on the bulletin board between the office and the nursery.


UWF food and donations for Vine Maple Place "meal in a bag" ministry

The United Women in Faith’s current mission project is to assemble “meals-in-abag”
for Vine Maple Place’s food ministry. The vision of Vine Maple Place is to end
family homelessness in South King County. They have locations in Maple Valley and
A Meal-in-a-Bag gives a mom all the necessary ingredients she needs to make a
home cooked meal. Each bag has a specific recipe and the ingredients for that
meal. These meals provide not only stability and a chance for a family to connect
around the dinner table, but they also assist in helping a family stretch their food
On January 14th, there will be a poster in the narthex with sticky notes that contain
the needed food items for one bag. Take one or more sticky notes, purchase the
items and bring them back by Sunday, February 4th. We also welcome financial
donations. Make out checks to “Fairwood UMW” with “VMP” on the memo line.
Checks can be given to our UWF treasurer (Joletta Holman) or left in the UWF
mailbox in the church office.


Join Youth Choir

Youth in grade 5 through high school are invited to sing in YOUTH choir. Meet in
the choir room for practices on Sundays at 11:15am until about 11:50am.
We will be learning some new contemporary songs as well as singing some of our
favorites. Come bring your friends and make a joyful noise! For more information
or questions contact Bill or Lori McEwen


Bring your Styrofoam for recycling - Today last day for collection

Bring your Styrofoam from your holiday boxes by January 14 and leave it in the
collection box in the narthex. We’ll make sure it gets recycled. Questions? Contact
Jeff or Sharon K.
Want to recycle Styrofoam at other times? Take it to Styro Recycle’s free drop off
center located at 23418 68th Ave. S. (just off West Valley Hwy) in Kent, WA. More
info about what they accept and do not accept at: https://styrorecycle.com/


Recycle Christmas Wreath bows from youth wreaths

If you purchased a Christmas Wreath from the youth group this year, you can
recycle your bow!
You’ll find a collectionRecycle Christmas Wreath bows from youth wreaths box in the Narthex.


Come Play Bunco!

Come play Bunco! It’s super simple to learn. Join us on Sunday, January 28 after
worship at 12:00pm. Bring healthy snacks to share. You can find out more
information and sign up to attend – see the poster in the narthex.
Questions? Contact Jan B-H.


Join United Women in Faith this Thursday, January 18th! We’ll tour the Family First Community Center in Renton.

Join United Women in Faith this Thursday, January 18th! We’ll tour the Family First
Community Center in Renton. Note that this is the third Thursday of January, not
our usual second Thursday meeting date.
We meet at 9:30 in our church parking lot to carpool for the 10:00 tour. The tour
should last about an hour, then we’ll carpool back to church.
The Center is located at 16200 116th Ave SE and serves Renton families. It brings
quality recreation, education, and wellness programs and ser-vices to the
historically underserved communities of Benson Hill and Cascade. It was built in
partnership with retired Seahawk Doug Baldwin, Jr., and the City of Renton and
opened on June 15th, 2023.


A new in-depth, 24-week Bible study with Pastor Ferdie starts January 23rd, Tuesdays at 9:30 – 11:00am

Pastor Ferdie is offering an in-depth 24-week study of the Bible called “Covenant
Bible Study.” This study emphasizes the biblical concept of covenant as a unifying
theme through both the Old and New Testaments.
There is a short video presentation for each session. In addition to the book
chapter reading, there are daily readings from the Bible. A sample book will be
available in the narthex to look at.
We will take a break during Lent so we can all do a Lenten study. We will resume in
April after Easter. Then we’ll take a break again during summer months (July and
August), then resume in September.
You can order your participant study guide on Amazon or other sites. If ordering,
try to order the 2017 edition that is one volume.
Let Pastor Ferdie know if you’d like to participate so that you get all the
communication from him about the study.


Human Relations Day

Human Relations Day is a denomination wide Special Sunday set aside to celebrate
and raise awareness to further the development of better human relations by
involving congregations in community and youth outreach. A special offering is
being taken on Sunday, January 14, the Sunday before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
birthday. Gifts received for the offering build King’s vision of “the beloved
community” through programs such as Community Developers and United
Methodist Voluntary Services and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs.
You may donate

• online at https://fairwoodumc.org/give/,
• send checks with Human Relations Day noted on memo line,
• or use envelope in bulletin.

Let us prepare for worship

A Reminder from the Worship Committee –
The Prelude centering music begins at 10:00 and it is time to quiet ourselves and
prepare to worship God.
Thank you!

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Sunday Announcements 12/29/24

v Announcements given for Sunday 12/29/2024 Announcements-plan-20241229-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 12/29/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Flower calendar for 2025 is available for sign ups We...

Christmas Eve Announcements 12/24/24

v Announcements given for Christmas Eve 12/24/24 Announcements-plan-20241224-7pm-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 12/24/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Sunday Dec 12/29/24 10am Pastor Ferdie is taking...

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Sunday Announcements 12/15/24

v Announcements given for Sunday 12/15/2024 Announcements-plan-20241215-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 12/15/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Accepting 2025 calendars Donate your 2025 calendars to...

Sunday Announcements 11/24/24

v Announcements given for Sunday 11/24/2024 Announcements-plan-20241124-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 11/24/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Our church is funded by your donations. By submitting an...

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