(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 5/5/2024

Below are the announcements given on 5/5/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Mission Opportunity - Rice Donations Needed

During the month of May, we will continue to collect 2 – 5 pound bags of long-grain
white rice AND black tea bags to deliver to Riverton Park United Methodist Church.
Each month we will add to our monetary donation with an item (or items) that they
are regularly in need of, as they work to support those staying at their church. Drop
off your donation in the box in the narthex.
Thanks for your generous support of our sister congregation and the people they
serve or are living at their church. On April 24th, 198 pounds of rice and more than
1,400 bags of tea were delivered.
Thank you, also, Dianne and Mike, for volunteering to deliver our donation each

We Are Composting

Fairwood Community United Methodist Church is stepping up our efforts to take
care of our earth!
Our green composting containers (a 23-gallon container in the parlor of Benedict
Hall and a few green wastebaskets) with compostable bag liners are here. Please
put your food waste, food-soiled paper and approved compostable products into
these green containers. We have a second outside tote to accommodate extra
compostable materials.
Please note that not everything labeled as “compostable” is accepted by Cedar
Grove. Generally accepted items are here: CedarGrove-flyer-Compostables-Accepted-
With your help, we can take better care of our earth!
Questions? Contact Donna S.


Limited Mobility Parking Spots in Front Parking Lot

The Trustees installed five (5) new “Reserved for Persons with Limited Mobility” signs. We replaced the two visitor-parking signs on the left of the main red doors into the sanctuary building and added three on the right of the main red doors (in front of the church offices).

Note that these new spaces are to be used by anyone that feels that it would be helpful to park close to the door on Sundays and that they are not “legal” disabled parking signs that require an ADA placard/license plate. We still have the original spaces that do require the ADA placard/license plate.

Also remember that there is parking in the back parking lot for those that feel like they can walk from there. 

Thank You Rebuilding Together Volunteers

Thank you to the Fairwood volunteers, donors and food help for the Rebuilding
Together project on April 27th.
The workers
1) Built a wheelchair ramp with handrails
2) Raised the front porch (level with door threshold)
3) Built stairs to meet the raised porch
4) Pruned back trees and shrubs
5) Weeded flower beds
6) Removed old lumber and debris.


Thank You Crop Walkers

Thank you to all the walkers, workers, snack-providers and donors for the 41st
Renton CROP Hunger Walk that happened Sunday, April 28th!
You can still make a donation in-person at church. Please make checks out to
CWS/CROP (not our church).
Online, you can make a donation at http://crophungerwalk.org/rentonwa.
Scroll down to Fairwood Community United Methodist’s team.
Thank you so much! We’re building a better world where there is enough for all!
If you have any questions, please contact Sharon K. at kenyonjs@comcast.net.


Those who identify as female are welcome to join United Women of Faith's salad luncheon

Come join United Women in Faith (UWF) for our Salad Luncheon on Saturday, May
25th, at 12:00 noon. (yes, Memorial Day weekend)

Our honored guest will be Nancy Kuch, member of Renton United Methodist UWF.
Nancy will have her large collection of 168 unique teapots on display. We’ve also
invited Renton UWF members to join us.

Please bring a salad to share! Rolls, dessert and drinks will be provided. Invite your
daughters, granddaughters, nieces and friends to join us too! We hope to see many
of you who are unable to make meetings during the weekdays, and though it’s
Memorial Day weekend, we hope to have a great time!


Church Membership for May 19th

If you’re curious about what it means to be a church member, please pick up a pamphlet on the table in the narthex/lobby. It’s called “So you’re thinking about joining the church.”

Then if you’d like to know more, please talk to Pastor Ferdie. Our next time to welcome new members will be Sunday, May 19th.


General Conference Update

Our worldwide General Conference, after being postponed since 2020, was held in
Charlotte, North Carolina, April 23 – May 3. The General Conference is the only
body that can set official policy and speak for the entire United Methodist
denomination. Delegates were from the U.S., Africa, the Philippines and Europe.

There is cause for celebration for the work that the delegates did! They approved
a revised set of Social Principles. A 40-year ban on gay clergy and rules prohibiting
clergy from officiating same-sex weddings or churches hosting them were lifted.
The focus on disaffiliation has come to an end and a new push for regionalization is
moving forward. They affirmed a full communion relationship with the Episcopal
Church. A new retirement plan for U.S. clergy was accepted. And much more!

Join us for a time of prayers in the church courtyard, immediately after the service
on Sunday, May 5th.

For lots more information, visit: https://www.umnews.org/en/landingpages/general-conference-news-and-commentary

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Sunday Announcements 12/29/24

v Announcements given for Sunday 12/29/2024 Announcements-plan-20241229-with-notes-no-quiet-slide Below are the announcements given on 12/29/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.   Flower calendar for 2025 is available for sign ups We...

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