(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 7/14/2024


Below are the announcements given on 7/14/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Need additional treats after fellowship time

Could you provide some treats for the fellowship time after worship? We’d love to have a variety of items! In addition to sweeter treats, you can bring:
• Fruit
• Vegetables • Cheese
• Crackers
There’s a sign-up sheet in the parlor.


Future Altar Flowers Needed

Do you have extra flowers in your garden? Is there a special person in your life
that you’d like to celebrate or memorialize (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)?
We’d love to have you sign up for providing flowers on our altar table up front.
There’s a large poster on the wall just outside the church office where you can
choose your date. Please, no fragrant flowers.
Thanks for your help! Questions? Contact Roxanne or Cyndee.


We need help with outdoor care!

We could use help with jobs outside at church during July!
Pick up sticks on the lawn (so Jeff can do weekly mowing).
Pull back playground chips from fence board (a rake works well with this. Chips
need to be about 4 inches below fence board, so chips don’t fall out over the
fence board).
Weed and prune (there is always cool shade somewhere to work in on hot days).
Sweep or blow walks and parking lot.

Let us know how you can help by contacting Jeff and Sharon K.


Breeze tutorials available in July

If you are a current ServantKeeper user or the chair of a FCUMC ministry, we want
to give you a tour of Breeze!
Breeze is a church management application we’re considering adopting to replace
ServantKeeper. Anyone interested in learning more about Breeze and how it can
benefit individual ministries and our church is invited to attend a 45-minute tutorial (information session) via Zoom.
Sessions are offered on Zoom at 12:00pm or 6:00pm on:
Monday, July 15
Monday, July 22
Monday, July 29
Register today by clicking on this link: https://fcumc.breezechms.com/form/breezetutorial


It’s a picnic - July 28th

Everyone is invited to our church picnic on Sunday, July 28th, after the worship service. It’s a potluck (so bring food to share) and hotdogs will be provided. We’ll meet on the front lawn and enjoy food, games and fellowship.
There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for more information and ways that you can help.
Questions? Contact Jan B-H, Carol C, or Cyndee H.


July 21 - Hike, Bike, EV, Hybrid Sunday!

July 21, Next Sunday – “Hike, Bike, EV, Hybrid Sunday” AND “Less Polluting Tools
We will be counting the miles saved in keeping our air clean.
If you live a distance away for walking, park your car and walk part way.
Biking – Last year we had more electric bikes than regular bikes.
Park your hybrid and EV cars in the front so we can see them.
We will have a display of electric tools to share with you. Does anyone have a
portable solar panel to share?
If you have questions or something to share, contact Sharon K. at


This Saturday! SeaTac district retreat at Federal Way UMC

  • Fairwood Community United Methodist is in the Sea-Tac District. Join others around our district to reconnect, reflect, and refresh!
    We’ll gather at Federal Way United Methodist Church on Saturday, July 20th, 9:30am – 2:00pm. The cost is $20 and lunch will be provided.
    Scan the QR code to register or contact District Administrator Erin Tombaugh at etombaugh@pwnumc.org or 206-870-6831.
    A choice of four afternoon workshops include topics such as
    • Single Board Organization,
    • Engaging our Communities with Curiosity,
    • Environmental Justice Ministry, and
    • Pastoral Ministry and the 35-hour schedule.
  • https://gnw-reg.brtapp.com/SeaTacRetreat2024


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