Announcements given for Sunday 8/11/2024
Below are the announcements given on 8/11/2024. Please refer to your directory for contact information.
Considering church membership? Orientation starts sun aug 25
We are so grateful to welcome new members into our faith community. If you are
considering membership, the next date for Membership Sunday is Sunday,
September 8th. Membership orientation is scheduled for Sunday, August 25th at
11:30 a.m.
If you are curious or if you have questions about membership, please contact
Pastor Ferdie: and look for the brochure in the
narthex, “So You’re Thinking About Joining the Church.”
Next Sprowt Event aug 17th
SPROWT’s next workshops are Saturday, August 17. Youth in grades 6-12 are
invited to attend the free workshops to learn about crochet and summer cooking.
We gather at 9:00 in Benedict Hall and will say goodbye at 12:00 noon.
Scan the QR code to register. See you at 9:00 on August 17!
School supplies collection
We’re collecting school supplies for our school-aged asylum seekers and children served by Communities in Schools (Kent).
Monetary donations can be made on our website Give page or writing “School supplies” on the memo line of a check.
Please have supplies here by August 25. Questions? Contact Cathy R.
Needed supplies include:
Backpacks large enough to hold a 9×12” envelope Composition notebooks
24-count box of crayons
12-count box of #2 pencils or colored pencils 8-count box of colored markers
Black “Expo” markers (dry erase)
Scissors, Glue sticks
Spiral-bound notebooks (wide and college-ruled) 1-1/2” 3-ring binders
College-ruled notebook paper
Need additional treats after fellowship time
Could you provide some treats for the fellowship time after worship? We’d love to have a variety of items! In addition to sweeter treats, you can bring:
• Fruit
• Vegetables
• Cheese
• Crackers
There’s a sign-up sheet in the parlor.