(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 9/29/2024


Below are the announcements given on 9/29/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Gold Award for disability access awarded to FCUMC

The Pacific Northwest Conference Disability Ministries Committee awarded a gold
badge to Fairwood Community UMC based on the accessibility audit for United
Methodist Churches and a site review. This badge is a sign that our congregation
has gone beyond the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and strives to provide
accessible space and appropriate accommodations to disabled people through
intentional measures and ministries. It is a recognition that continued improvement
is possible and that such purposeful actions are being planned based on the gifts,
needs, and context of our members and community.
We are living into our commitment to actively become anti-ableist as wed strive to
become evermore inclusive. Contact Don M. or John M. with suggestions of
Thank you to our Trustees, current and previous, who lead the projects to make
our facilities disability friendly!


Pet Food Drive through October

Donate bags or cans of pet food throughout October to help someone on a limited
income keep their beloved pet. Donations will go to the Renton Salvation Army
Food Bank and the Kent Animal Shelter (RASKC).
Drop off your new, unopened bags of pet food in the collection boxes, found in the
narthex, outside the red, front doors to the sanctuary building or at the preschool
Thank you!


Annual UWF Quilt/Craft/Bake Sale

The United Women in Faith here at Fairwood will offer many beautiful quilts,
creative crafts, and yummy baked goods for sale on Sunday, October 20 after
worship – 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. (Note the date change from earlier
Watch for a link soon! You’ll be able to preview many of the larger items and also
reserve them for purchase on the sale day.
All proceeds will benefit local and UWF organizations supporting families and


Youth Choir Practices start Sunday Sept 22nd.

We are excited to start Youth Choir practices on Sunday, Sep. 22nd after church in
the choir room (11:15-11:50).
All 5th – 12th grade youth are invited to join us each Sunday! It’s a new school
year so it’s a great time to try something new even if you have never sung with us.
Bring your friends as well, no prior choir experience necessary. We focus on
contemporary Christian music.
We plan to sing this fall on Oct. 20th and Nov. 17th and Christmas Eve.
For more information contact Bill & Lori at bill.mcewen@comcast.net.


Blessing of The Animals Sunday Oct 13th 11:20am

Our annual Blessing of the Animals will be on Sunday, October 13 at 11:20 a.m.
after worship. Join us outside, in the front parking lot. ALL are invited! You don’t
need a pet to enjoy this service.
Bring your pet, a picture of your pet (cell phone or printed), or the name of your
pet to be blessed by Pastor Ferdie. Pets receive a certificate and treats!
We will have a memorial table to honor our beloved pets from the past. Bring
names or pictures of pets to honor.
The Blessing of the Animals is done in October near the Feast of St. Francis, the
“patron saint of animals.”

Memorial Service for Sarah Swartz Oct 5th 11am at FCUMC

The memorial service and celebration of life for Sarah Swartz will be on Saturday,
October 5, 2024 at our church. The service starts at 11:00 a.m., followed by a
reception in the MPR.
All are invited!


Rev Cruz Edwin Santos will be guest preacher today

Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos is our guest preacher today, September 29th, as we
celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 – Oct. 15).
Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos is appointed as the Director of Hispanic/Latinx Ministries for
our Pacific Northwest Conference. We are blessed to have him here at Fairwood in


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