(425) 228-4577 office@fairwoodumc.org

Announcements given for Sunday 10/13/2024


Below are the announcements given on 10/13/2024.  Please refer to your directory for contact information.


Pet Food Drive through October

Donate bags or cans of pet food throughout October to help someone on a limited
income keep their beloved pet. Donations will go to the Renton Salvation Army
Food Bank and the Kent Animal Shelter (RASKC).
Drop off your new, unopened bags of pet food in the collection boxes, found in the
narthex, outside the red, front doors to the sanctuary building or at the preschool
Thank you!


All-Church (Charge) Conference Sunday, October 27 at 11:30 a.m.

Our annual All-Church (Charge) Conference will be held Sunday, October 27, at
11:30am in the sanctuary. Join us for worship at 10:00 with our District
Superintendent, Rev. Derek Nakano, preaching. Then we’ll have a simple lunch
after worship. We plan to start the Conference at 11:30am.
Our Sea-Tac Missional District Superintendent, Rev. Derek Nakano, will lead us in
this gathering. We’ll receive annual reports from our church leaders, elect our
church leaders for next year, and set Pastor Ferdie’s salary. All members can
participate in church-wide decisions. This is a time to celebrate progress, assess our
present ministry, and envision our future.
Join us!

Trunk or Treat is coming. We need your help!

Our “Trunk or Treat” is planned for Saturday, October 26th. 5:30pm – 7:00pm
You can participate by decorating your trunk and passing out candy during the
event. (Sign up your trunk in the narthex.)
You can also donate candy by dropping it off in the green monster in the narthex.
Questions? Contact Kristin T. or Jenny B


Annual UWF Quilt/Craft/Bake Sale

The United Women in Faith here at Fairwood will offer many beautiful quilts,
creative crafts, and yummy baked goods for sale on Sunday, October 20 after
worship – 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. (Note the date change from earlier

United Women of Faith Quilts 2024
 Click on the link to preview many of the larger items and also reserve them for purchase on the sale day.
All proceeds will benefit local and UWF organizations supporting families and


Youth Choir Practices today for performance next week

The Youth Choir is getting ready to sing in worship on Sunday, October 20th!
The practice on October 13th will start at the usual time of 11:15am in the choir
room. Then we’ll move into the sanctuary and finish by 12:00 noon.
There will be NO practice after worship on October 20th.
For more information contact Bill & Lori at bill.mcewen@comcast.net.


Special Offering for UMCOR hurricane relief Sunday, October 20 - Donations always welcome

UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) responds to natural or civil
disasters of such magnitude that they overwhelm a community’s ability to recover
on its own. Through UMCOR, United Methodists extend loving care to people
affected by hurricanes or other disasters.

In response to Hurricanes Helene and Milton devastation, UMCOR is coordinating
with affected annual conferences and supporting their local relief efforts. So far,
UMCOR has awarded grants to the North Georgia, South Georgia, Western North
Carolina and Holston annual conferences. Additionally, UMCOR-trained Early
Response Teams (ERTs) are coordinating efforts to support the removal of debris,
tarping of roofs, and cleaning out of homes in hard-hit areas.
We will hold a special offering on Sunday, October 20, to help fund UMCOR’s work
to help those affected by recent hurricanes in the U.S.

Donate through online giving at our https://fairwoodumc.org/give/ page with the tile for UMCOR
You may also donate with check or cash; just make sure to label it for UMCOR hurricane relief.


Faith Action Network Town Hall

Faith Action Network Town Hall
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Bellevue
TODAY, October 13, 2:00pm
Jean Harris and Elizabeth Dickinson from Faith Action Network are holding a Town
Hall meeting at Aldersgate UMC in Bellevue on Sunday, October 13th to talk about
Washington State initiatives coming up on the ballots in November. The initiatives
they will discuss are 2066, 2109, 2117, and 2124. This is a free event.
Aldersgate UMC is at: 14230 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA, 98004
For more information about the “No” campaigns for these initiatives, visit:


Blessing of The Animals Sunday Oct 13th 11:20am

Our annual Blessing of the Animals will be on Sunday, October 13 at 11:20 a.m.
after worship. Join us outside, in the front parking lot. ALL are invited! You don’t
need a pet to enjoy this service.
Bring your pet, a picture of your pet (cell phone or printed), or the name of your
pet to be blessed by Pastor Ferdie. Pets receive a certificate and treats!
We will have a memorial table to honor our beloved pets from the past. Bring
names or pictures of pets to honor.
The Blessing of the Animals is done in October near the Feast of St. Francis, the
“patron saint of animals.”

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