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Online Worship 10-06-24.pdf
October 6, 2024
Prelude There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy Sid Samberg
Greeting from Our Lay Reader Jennifer Flagel
*Passing the Peace
*Call to Worship *Please rise in body or spirit
One: God of Mercy, we ask you to come mighty close, for we are a divided world, and we are not sure of our footing in this moment.
Many: Christ has broken down the wall.
One: Steady us, and invite us to “do unto others” in ways that build up your kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven.
Many: Christ has broken down the wall.
One: We pray this in the name of Jesus, the Center That Holds, and in the power of the Spirit That Transforms.
Many: Let us join our hearts as one in worship, for Christ has broken down the wall. Amen.
*Opening Hymn Christ Has Broken Down The Wall W&S 3122
Children’s Message PhilisAnn Bodle
Prayer Music I Want Jesus to Walk with Me Sid Samberg
Joys & Concerns, Pastoral Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer
Special Music Because of Who You Are Job Pangilinan with Lori McEwen
*Gloria Gloria, Gloria. We sing praises to God.
With open hearts and open minds, In peace we welcome all.
*Gospel Reading Luke 6: 31-36 Laura Songras-Rosales (Will be read in Spanish)
Sermon Title Blue and Red Make Purple: Kindness Pastor Ferdie Llenado
Offering Song Come Share The Lord FWS 2269
*Thanksgiving for the Offering
Holy Communion
Communion Song Lifesong
*Closing Song Celebrate Love FWS 2073
Postlude For the Healing of the Nations Sid Samberg
Music Staff: Rae Colborne, Choir Director
Bill and Lori McEwen, Julie Swienty, Sid Samberg, Bruce Carpenter
Sarah King-Swartz’s life was celebrated yesterday.
Flowers on the altar this morning are provided by her family.